I have 15 ferrets and 15 cats (just a coincidence and likely to change
at a moment's notice) and everyone gets along fine. Certain cats know
that when a group of ferrets are loose, I leave the bottom door of the
cage open and if they try hard enough, they can wiggle and squeeze up
the ramps of the Quality cages to steal some ferret kibble. I clip the
ferrets nails but with the exception of one cat with multiple toes and
some that do not retract, I do not clip cat claws nor are any of them
de-toed. Why people call the maiming of cat's feet declawing is beyond
me. If the claw were removed it would grow back so the toe is cut at
the first joint....a barbaric practice banned elsewhere in the world.
Don't get me started on the cutting and re-shaping of household pets
done to please the human idea of beauty or so that they don't have to
spend their precious time gently teaching pets how to behave. Grrr..

I too am having a difficult time getting kibble. I never use anything
with corn in it so it is Zupreme that is back ordered. I always order
the biggest bag. The rest of my order arrived promptly but the kids
want their Zupreme that is added to the mix.

I want to thank the Bridgegreeter for helping my sweet Ali. Please
tell Ali that little Pearl who loved her dearly is being comforted by
Isabelle who loves her with all her heart. And thank you to the person
that eased my heart by telling me that ferret lovers everywhere have
experienced a loss of a ferret because of an accident.....or they will

Also I wanted to mention that I don't know what's happening on the
Oregon coast and somewhat inland but EVERY day I see another ferret or
two or three listed on craigslist that needs a new home. Reasons......
"I have no more time to give them"....."I am going away to college"....
"My child has lost interest".........and the one I hated the most.....
"I need to sell them to pay my rent". None have been "free" thankfully
so that discourages the snake owners and dog fighters but I do still
email them and tell them of their options. None have ended up here and
I worry about their fate. I can only hope they found loving homes.

Nancy and her groups of 15 ferrets and 15 cats having recently lost
Sandy cat, aged 19 and Button cat age 14, living on a dirt road in
the country where idiots dump felines....sigh

[Posted in FML 7154]