Dear Kimberly,

Today and I think I am at last at the end of the pile of greetings I
have been behind on, and all I can say is "Whew!" and of course, how
very sorry I am that it has taken so long for me to finally see to
Fester's greeting.

The important thing you need to know, is that even if a greeting does
not show up in the FML right away, that does not mean that the fuzzit
who has passed has not been greeted here at the Bridge.

We are ALWAYS there for each fuzzit as they arrive. We make certain
that they are happy, healthy and whole, that are met by love ones, and
not just fuzzit loved ones, but by any family that is up here, and they
are always welcomed with a great amount of love!

The greetings themselves come through the Greeter's Office and are then
couriered off by helpful fuzzits who bring them to the Greeter they are
assigned to. In my case my courier is my brother. His name is Hobbes,
and he is best known for his bad taste in clothing and his even worse
disposition - he's simply a huge grouch! I love him all the same, love
him more because underneath that gruff exterior, I know there is the
fuzzy heart of someone quite loveable.

The day he arrived with Fester's scroll, he was in a rather unusual and
good mood. He was actually smiling, it was odd, but nice to see, and
when I asked what he was so happy about, he told me it was none of my
darn business. Later on found I found out that he had been given a kiss
on his cheek by one of the Jill's in the Greeter's Office, who has had
a small crush on him for years, and finally decided to make it known,
because not only is Hobbes a grouch, but he can also be dense at times
too! The nice thing was that for the remainder of the whole day he was
beyond pleasant to be around! Will wonders ever seize?

It left me in a good mood too, and of course I decided to spend the day
in my outdoor hammie catching up on my both my sleep and my greetings
too. Of course sleep won out, and being that time is so different up
here when I did eventually wake, it had gone from lush, green spring,
to the midst of a nice, toasty summer! I guess I must have needed that
rest, otherwise I'm quit certain the Big Guy would have given me a
*wake up* nudge.

So now I am here, at my desk, writing about your sweet Fester.

My mum is a firm believer that ferrets come into your lives for a
reason, and all of them are good. They are there to teach love,
patience, and how to cut loose and have a good time. We make you laugh,
we teach you how to look out for the little things in life, because
most times these things are every bit, if not, more important then the
big things. We watch over you, and help you when you are feeling down
with a war dance or a cuddle and a kiss, or all three of the above!

Fester was there to help you, and he did so in a huge way too. He came
to live for you in his loving forever home, worked his way into your
heart, and then, with help from directly from the Big Guy, healed you.
I know that he really wish he could have stayed longer, because seeing
you not having to worry about your heart would have been such a great
reward for him.

Well that's not quite true, it is still is a great reward, he just
would have liked to have been physically there to watch as you moved
forward with your life with one less thing to worry about. Having come
from a warm and loving home myself, I know that I would have loved to
stayed a little while longer then the 7 years I had, heck I would have
loved to have stayed another 20 or more if I could, and I know that
every fuzzit would agree with me wholly! (Fester is nodding madly!!)

When Fester arrived, he had this beatific smile upon his face. It
looked very much like he had witnessed a miracle - and he had, and it
was all he could talk about. "My mom is going to be all right! She is
really going to be alright, and no more worries about her heart!!!!"

He whooped and jumped, and war danced all over the place and just let
loose all of the joy had saved up on his journey here. He is always
going to be with you Kimberly, and even if you can't see him, you will
feel him wrapped around you heart, making a nice warm place where his
memories will play across your mind always, and if you are lucky
enough, as most are, you will see him from the corner of your eye, or
feel him nudging at your feet, letting you know he is never far away.

In Love & In Comfort,

Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7154]