As far as cats - just watch and see what happens and be ready in case
something does happen. Also - all cats can act different in different
situations/times. We have some that can't be left alone with just a
singular (paralyzed) ferret, or slow/weak ferrets, because they'll get
bopped on the head or "chased" when left alone (or, right in front of
us). Meanwhile if all fuzzies are out, we have little problems. Seems
to be our cats don't do this and are more aloof/aware when there's a
bunch out vs. just one or a few. Your cat might also like to play with
them. I have had when a fuzzy wanted to "snuggle" or get close to a
cat, the cat usually will go away. Sometimes one of

We've never had a problem with cats and ferrets getting along. In most
cases up 'til the last year, the ferrets have pretty much terrorised
the cats although not violently. One of our girls, Mudge, who has since
passed on to her reward, decided to attack one of the cats, Shiloh.
Shiloh was sitting on the far arm of the couch from me. Mudge climbed
up on the couch at my end, went along the top to Shiloh's end and
pounced on her. Mudge grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, Shiloh was
so startled that she flew off the arm of the couch and landed on the
floor seven feet away with Mudge holding on for dear life looking for
all the world like Superman's cape. When Shiloh hit the floor Mudge
rolled off and immediately looked like she wanted to do it again.
Shiloh took off down the hall. We only have one cat now and she gets
along well with the six we have now although the only one she regularly
plays with is Cora.

Catholic Confederate, residing in the Federal Satrapy of Ohio
One million abortions per year--the hidden holocaust

[Posted in FML 7149]