Dear Joan,

Long in time has this greeting waited, sitting here I write and I am
deeply embarrassed that I have not seen to this earlier. Dakota and
Spaz have been in my heart though, and have also been here whispering
in my fuzzy ear urging me to get to this greeting, and so now I am.

Summer this year has been so very warm. The flowers sway in the heated
breeze and beg for cool pleasing water, the bumble bee's are too worn
out to even buzz, the trees which usually offer a nice shady place in
which for me to write, have pulled closely in and offer no comfort,
and I, as much as I love being outdoors, have spent as much time as
possible in my lovely and cooled cottage.

I think the Big Guy is letting us all know that even He is on over
time looking after all those who are crossing the Bridge, both hooman
and fuzzit alike. I want to greet them all, but I am only one little
albino fuzzit with only so many paws to type with!

It was so hot that when Hobbes came to my door bearing Dakota and
Spaz's scrolls, all he did was hand them to me with not even a grouchy
comment made, THAT'S how warm it has been here!

As the afternoon faded into twilight, I sat at my writing desk - quill
in hand - then I heard some giggling at the window in front of me. When
I looked up I saw five wonderful, fuzzy faces looking in on me, each
with the brightest smile I had ever seen. Who where they you ask? Zoe,
Beka, Desiderio, Malya and Jared, and they came bearing a large bottle
of what I hoped was chilled Ferretone!

And it was!!! We sat and sipped, then gulped and finally licked the
glasses AND the bottle the Ferretone dry, and I have to tell you, it
was little having taking a nice cool dip in the Viewing Pool ( We
aren't suppose to do that, but there are those of us who like to swim
and look in on our mum's and dad's!!! Shussssssssh and don't tell
anyone all right, don't want to get in trouble!!!) That Ferretone was
*just* what I needed, and it gave me all the energy I needed to finally
get this greeting done.

Mayla suggest that we get together some firefly lamps and get the rest
of their business together, and I asked her if she thought it would
please her mum ( you that is ) if we went and greeted BOTH Spaz and
Dakota at the same time and she told me it would please you a great
deal to know that neither one of them had been alone on their journey
here. I had to agree, the thought of them walking side by side through
their memories of you made me smile and feel fuzzy all over.

With lanterns in hand off we skipped - yes even a fuzzit can skip, it
helps that we have wings to keep us balanced so we don't trip over our
tails or those who have two left feet like me!!!! - and along the way
we were joined by more of your business, your beloved fuzzit family ...
Aniston, that sweet little sable sprite, Banditn Rascal, Gracie - who
is every bit as graceful as her name implies. Shadow, Ivan, Rusty,
Cyrus, Chance ( who always reminds me that because you took a *chance*
on him, his life was the best ever!), Beka (Who I have a slight crush
on **blush**), Waffles and Leizl. What a long, beautiful line we made
as we made our way to the Bridge!!!

When we came into the Bridge clearing we saw a simple wooden Bridge,
the kind you'd imagine Tolkien would have built *just* for a fuzzit,
and it was covered in a deep, blue trumpet vine that seem to have a
slight glow to it. Over the Bridge we saw some soft white clouds, and
from them a light cool rain began to fall, and the field breathed a
deep sigh of relief and unfurled back into life. With that came two
of the largest rainbows I had ever seen, and in the mist caused by
the rain fall, appeared two fuzzits. A robust dark eyed white and a
backwards marked white, and Dakota and Spaz where here!

Even before anyone had a chance to war dance, dook or hug Spaz came
running up to me and whispered in my ear, "Pie, please, please, PLEASE
tell my mom that I heard her tell me she loves me. I know she thinks I
didn't hear her but I did, and I told her I love her too, I love her
more then words can say, and that I don't blame her for anything at
all. About a month before I left her I had a Angel of Insight come and
visit me. She told me that I would be coming home soon, that I been
chosen by the Big Guy for something special, and that I also needed to
be there for Dakota too. I asked her why and she told me the Big Guy
would be the one to tell me that. So I did my best to enjoy each and
every moment I had left with you, and I did!!!! I love you, I know that
hearing that in a greeting won't be enough, nothing ever is when we are
so far away from each other, but the Angel also told me that I would
get to see you again one day and then I could tell you I love you in

His special job???? He is going to become a courier for the Big Guy,
that means anytime something comes through the Courier's Office, Spaz
will be the one of three who will be taking these precious scrolls to
Him!!!!! And don't think Dakota was forgotten either, after they were
both presented with their wings, he was assigned to the Angels of
Creation. These are the fuzzits angels who are in charge of looking
after earthly Jill's who are about to give birth. They are the ones who
whisper to the unborn kits, telling them about the new lives they will
have, and about forever homes and all of the things they will have a
chance to look forward too.

So between the rain, the chilled Ferretone, the beautiful rainbows and
all of the wonderful fuzzits, this was a greeting even *I* needed, and
I hope it is of comfort to you as well!

Again I apologize for the lengthy time it took for me to get to this
Joan, you are loved and valued very much!

In Love & In Comfort,

Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7139]