OK everyone ... I'm sending out an S.O.S.!! I've recently heard that
the Oregon Ferret Shelter (a registered 501 c3 non-profit org) is in
DESPERATE need of a new gas clothes dryer so I have a proposition. I
know personally that the shelter operators, Dave & Chris Mathis, have
selflessly helped COUNTLESS ferrets and given an IMMEASURABLE amount of
time, money, and ferret care (not to mention done a TON - literally -
of laundry loads!) to sooo many furries and people throughout the 26
yrs. they've been operating so now it's time for those of us (myself
included) who have benefitted from OFS's generosity to give back to

Here's my proposition: For EVERY penny donated toward the "Oregon
Ferret Shelter dryer fund" between July 25 - August 8, I will match
the donation 100% - up to $500. I realize this isn't a *direct* ferret
need but all of you who wash ferret bedding know and I'm sure will
understand just how valuable an asset a dryer is for a shelter. Can
you imagine just how many loads of laundry a shelter with 100+ ferrets
runs each day and week???? The "people" laundry takes second fiddle for

* * * * AND as a BONUS - everyone who makes a donation (regardless of
the amount) will be entered into a drawing to win a free (surprise)
gift. One winner will be chosen and notified by Aug. 31. (this also
includes those who have already donated money toward the dryer directly
to OFS).

No donation amount is too small (or too big for that matter) so please
don't think your $1.00 doesn't matter because it DOES. REMEMBER: it
actually becomes a $2.00 donation with my matching contribution!

I KNOW that this economy has put sooo many people into a tailspin
financially -- esp. animal shelters -- so this is primarily directed at
ferret OWNERS who have benefitted from OFS's generosity over the years
(although I also know how sacrificially giving shelter operators are --
even when they really can't afford to give). If you can't give, no
problem. Just pray for those who *can* so that they will.

Lastly, I am purposely keeping my name anonymous because I would
prefer that people focus on the gift and not the giver. Who I am is
not important but I assure you I am no stranger to the FML.

YOU CAN DONATE TWO WAYS: (Don't forget to mark your donation "Dryer
fund") AND provide your contact information for the drawing (full name,
email address or snail mail address, and phone number). If you would
like a donation receipt for tax purposes, please request one with your

PAYPAL: (go here and click on the PayPal button)

Oregon Ferret Shelter
ATTN: Dryer fund
P.O. Box 1775
Oregon City, OR 97045

If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly (OFS Volunteer
Coordinator) at [log in to unmask]


[Posted in FML 7133]