I have a ferret in the shelter here that has a head tilt to the left
side. It's gotten progressively worse within the last couple weeks. She
was treated for ear mites a couple weeks ago along with all the others
here that did and did not show signs. Upon taking her to my vet and
having her examined the vet didn't see any mites or any infection. He
also said that if it was a tumor it would be in the early stages as she
showed no problem or bulging with her left eye. He also said it could
of been a previous ear infection gone untreated but I don't remember
her ever doing this before. He also asked if she was turning in circles
which she is not. She's eating, poops look fine and she's playing like
normal. I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem and
what the diagnosis was. Thanks in advance.

Stinky Pete's Ferret Retreat

We will not know peace until all of the unprotected and unloved are
encircled by strong, caring arms.    www.sunbearsquad.org

[Posted in FML 7132]