No. 421 and Oliver were resting in their lawn chairs when Bluebird came
fluttering up to the door. "Boy, it must be nice to sit around and stay
cool," she chirped. "We has a fuzzy that has been at the Bridge for a
long time, and he finally came out of hiding so Skye could see and talk
to him. Poor Skye has been leaving food out for him."

"Who is this?" No. 421 asked as Bluebird handed him a note. "Muf, I
don't recall seeing a ticket for a Muf."

"This ferret was alone for the first few years of his life" Bluebird
said. "And he was deaf. He was afraid to come out. He and Skye have
become friends now, and we believe he is ready to move to a mound with
other ferrets. Now No. 421, could you please go and greet him?"

No. 421 told Oliver to get some veggies from the garden and start
supper while he went up to the bridge.

Once there, he saw a new ferret, that he thought must be Muf sitting on
the bottom step off of the bridge. No. 421 walked over to Muf and took
him in his big furry arms and gave him a big ferret hug. He held him
close for an extra long minute. He could feel all the uncertainty pass
from Muf to him, and being an abandon ferret in his earthly life, No.
421 knew how Muf must have felt.

Muf looked up at him and smiled. "Hi" he said. "Where am I and what is
this noise I hear in my head? All m life I could not hear, now, I hear
noises and it scares me."

"Don't worry, that is because you feel good again and I think you will
fit in just fine," No. 421 said. "Let's go over to the Meadow of Dreams
and see if we can find a buddy for you. Most ferrets have family
already here, but I do not have a ticket for you so lets see what we
can do."

The sun was low in the sky and the shadows were beginning to cover
the grassy mounds when Muf and No. 421 approached the entrance to the
meadow. Some of the ferrets that had slept all day were just rising,
while the others who spent the day playing in the sun, were toddling
off to bed.

No. 421 spoke in his loudest voice, "Is there anyone here who would
like a housemate until this fella has family come to be with him?"

"I be all alone cause my hooman is not here and I was an only ferret,"
spoke up one little fellow. "I would like to have someone to curl up
with and talk over the fun we had during the day."

No. 421 knew that this little ferret had been abandon by his family
and was an only ferret in his forever home on earth. He arrived at the
bridge without family and would wait until someone came to claim him.
If Muf agreed, this would be wonderful. Both ferrets would have each
other and they would be like brothers.

No. 421 took Muf over to the little ferrets' grassy mound and
introduced him. Muf looked around and said he thought he could be
happy waiting here. He gave the little ferret a high paw and thought
to himself I will make this work.

"Mr. No. 421," said Muf. "Will you please tell my Earthly family that
I is living down here, and I be here till they comes for me." No. 421
said he would tell the Receiving Angel to put a sticky note in his book
and that he would take care of everything.

The two ferrets went into the mound and snuggled down in some soft
flannel bedding. Muf was so tired, they decided to take a nap and
talk when they woke up.

No. 421 left the meadow to take the note to the Receiving Angel then
go back to his cabin and take a shower.

Oliver had supper ready when he arrived home. No. 421 took a quick
shower and slid into his chair. The soup smelled wonderful, so he
decided to catch up his Log Book tomorrow.

[Posted in FML 7128]