>"I now know there are only two kinds of ferret owners.... those that
>have experienced a accident, and those that will. Little comfort I
>know, but there are too many of us that share your grief...."
>              Ardith

Thank you so much Ardith. I am trying to push the painful memory of
Ali's death away and just remember her sweetness, her constant talking
as she went about her day and her love for her cagemate Pearl. Poor
Pearl stopped eating and started to lose weight in just the short time
Ali has been gone. Yesterday my daughter Mary and I put the large group
of 6 ferrets in the outside pen (neutral territory) and placed Pearl in
with them. They immediately over whelmed her....sniffing and grooming.
Moxie pinned her to the decking and cleaned her ears. Hero groomed her
head. Precious and Isabelle sniffed and cleaned the rest of her. Parker
and Stewie looked at me as if to say "Ya they did the same thing to us
when we joined the group! " When Ali was throughly clean and the group
wandered off to play in the mound of hay (this year's idea for
enrichment) , she looked up at me with a look of awe on her pretty
little face. That night she slept in her own cage. Today they were
re-introduced in the house and now Ali is fast asleep with her new
friends in their cage. Ferrets are so amazing!

Nancy and her 15

[Posted in FML 7123]