
My husband and I too wonder what we could/would do in case something
were to happen to us. We do not have wills, and as Wolfy mentioned keep
talking about wanting to get one. We wonder though... How do you make
sure your fuzzies are cared for? It seems that nobody really knows how
to care for fuzzies properly except other ferret people (real ferret
people, not the kind who keep them in a cage) and our kind are hard to
find. Of course being a part of FML I have learned over the years that
we are many in number (but not too close together in reality). I have
feelings similar to you and Wolfy and I suspect most of us, that the
FML'ers are a big family. I have not needed to ask for much, only a few
questions and I posted a poem once, however knowing that you are all
out there gives me a warm feeling. And my kids are still young but
once they get older and possibly start getting some of the well known
illnesses that sadly seem to come to these wonderful babies, I am sure
I will be asking many more questions. And I too have cried with most of
you as I read some of the posts, and sorrows. My husband and I try to
help out as much as we can when people ask for help for their

Back to the original subject. We have talked about how we would put in
a will that the person who took care of our ferrets would get a large
portion of our life insurance, and those shelters on the FML another
portion... We have no human children, so we want to care for those
people who have been there for us (or will be there for us in the
future). But are also afraid of loop holes... I will see what I can
find out... if I do come up with something I will post it, and
hopefully with a few eyes on the subject we can come up with something
that works for us.

Have a wonderful weekend and give those babies kisses!!!
Lori Olson

[Posted in FML 7109]