Do you think it would be possible for Coulette to stay at the
Stonebeary mound. All she has at the rainbow bridge are ferret brothers
and sisters. I want her to be with familiar faces.

PS she knows all the ferret games. She has only known ferrets. She will
have a knapsack, with derby eggs, for all the ferrets, a few nylabones
(fer her), she will share. Some of the ferrets favorite snacks that
they might not have there, lamb & rice dog food (for treats), goats
milk, milkbone puppy biscuts. She will also have her pink snugglely,
purple sun dress, and her favorite stuffed squeaky toy (the ferrets
loved to hide). I am also sending lots of hugs and kisses from me. I
miss them all so much, and will especially miss my best friend of 16
1/2 years. I am sure that Coullette stashed some extra surprises for
each of the babies at the bridge. Hercules, Pandora, Apollo and Kaleb,
miss her so much too.

[Posted in FML 7123]