We lost our dear Maya early Wed morning due to insulinoma (just
diagnosed a month ago) and something that ruptured and caused fluid
in the abdomen. Maya and her sister Emma came to us 6 years ago, when
they were just 1 year old. They immediately claimed the kitchen drawer
and put up quite a battle with any other ferret who dared venture into
their domain.

Maya was always the headstrong, take charge ferret. When she wanted
something, she got it. To get our attention, she would hop up in the
chair, then nip at the back of the arm. It took a while to teach her
this was not the best way to get what she wanted.

Maya and Emma would tag team on Tasha, and chase her around and make
her squeal and scream. We'd Maya and Emma stop and touch noses as they
plotted their next attack. Tasha earned her wings last year, and will
be waiting to greet Maya along with Gabriel, Buddy, Elloit, and Half
Pint. I had a feeling while at the emergency vet, that they were
supporting me.

Maya's favorite toys were the green plastic frog (also Elliots, quite a
tug a war ensued between the two), and 2 ferret Kongs. The previous day
before Maya crossed, she kept playing her ferret Kongs in the middle of

Maya's favorte treats were 8 in 1 multivitamins and foamy fries. Even
tho Maya was blind the last year of her life, she still knew when some
entered the kitchen where the treats were kept. She would stand next
the fridge door, and wait for someone to get her a treat. If you
weren't fast enough, she would stand with one paw on your foot, so
that you knew she was waiting.

I saw a rainbow the day before her passing, it must have been a glimpse
of the rainbow at the bridge as it was full and beautiful.

We miss her terribly, especially Emma, who has never been away from
Maya in her life. Enjoy your new found wings, and renewed healthy body,
Maya. And please don't try to take over the rainbow bridge!

Until we meet again,
Love, Mommy Chris

[Posted in FML 7118]