Dear FMLers..

My DMK boy, Jovan is undergoing surgery on Tuesday to re route his
urethra as his penis has tumors on it and has to be removed. He is
almost five now and you all know what that means to them frets. Anyway
the outlook is good but it all hinges on his bloodwork and his X-ray
to see if the tumors are internal or not. If not then the surgery is
on for Tuesday. He is still peeing like a trooper and when I find a a
puddle it is like finding gold.. Ya'll know what I mean.

Please keep Jovan in your thoughts and prayers. We have all been there
and had to wait for surgery. Carp and triple crap too.. OH well life
goes on and so will Jo Jo. The vet asked me if it was normal for him to
be all over the place.. I said he romps the whole house every morning
chasing them kitty kritters and seeing what snackies he can find they
left behind.. LOL. OH yeah he is active...even at almost 5!!! BTW has
anyone had experiences with the re rout surgery? Well it has to be done
or he may get to the point where he can't pee and that is just not good
at all...

OH welll on we go... The very best to all...

Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue
After All It Is For The Ferrets!!!!

[Posted in FML 7117]