It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was sleeping in as she had
had quite a taxing week. So quiet, so peaceful. But it was not to last
for she heard this hammering at the door of the cottage which she had
closed on purpose. She hopped out of bed and went to open it and of
course there stood Dexter, the little boy courier, with a note in his
paw. He said,

"SawaFewwet, I know you has been busy, but that is your job. You can't
be laying awound all the time. You must be up and weady to gweet these
fewwets when ever a wequest comes thwough. Here is a note from her
Mommy and its a special for you so you best hop to it. I will go get
her family prepared for her arrival."

He handed me the note and I scanned it. I sent him on his way and I
flew off to the entrance hoping I would be there as she arrived. Just
as I got there the Angel of Mercy swooped in and laid the little silver
mitt gently beside me She reached her paws up to me as if to figure me
out and then I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. You will have no more pain or
suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa friends.
Did I mention de fun and games?"

The little girl realized all of a sudden that she could see and she
blinked her eyes in amazement and looked around. She said, "Hey I feel
so much better now. Can I just go back home to my Mommy Nancy? Oh wait,
I forgot! You did just say this is my new forever home. Hmmm! I guess
this is my place now, isn't it. Okay who is going to be my new Mommy?
Are you? You don't look like a Mommy? (She reached over and touched my
fur). In fact you have fur just like I do. Are we going to be sisters?
Are we going to be friends? Are there others here? Will I get to help
others here? Oh my, I should have introduced myself. I am Helena' Robin
and as I told you my Mommy Nancy was the best mommy in the whole world
and we used to go out and help people with this group called PAWS. Have
you ever heard of PAWS?"

I replied, "Helena' Robin, its so nice to visit with you. We aren't
going to be sisters, although I will be happy to be your friend. Your
mommy has others here and they will help you to settle in. And there
are so many others of our own kind here. This is going to be your new
home now. It is such a beautiful place here. I am sure you will get
to help others here. We don't have humans here, but we have younger
fuzzies who are arriving, many without anyone to be with. Maybe you can
help with them and use your skills to help them adjust. I haven't heard
of PAWS but I am certain they are a very good group as you seem to be
a very loving fuzzy. I do notice that you are carrying a special patch
with their emblem on it. Maybe the others can help you with a vest or
something so you can wear it here and you can explain your skills to
others. Oh yes, I have a special surprise for you. Do you see the wings
I have on my shoulders? You are gonna get your very own pair--just
special for you--so great for flying about the heavens." She seemed
somewhat puzzled by all this but...

So off we went down the garden path to the Wing House where the wings
were stored. We opened the door and on the counter was a big box (of
course). She opened the box and took out the wings--lavender with pink
streaks. I helped her put on her wings and adjusted her halo. She ran
to the big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection and turned to me
and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now. I look just like a fairy
princess with a crown." Then I gots an idea. We opened the door and
left there.

We went down the path to the Misting Pond and sat down beside the cool
clear water. With one swish we saw a vision of Mommy Nancy appear.
Helena' Robin got so excited she started waving and dooking with all
of her might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. I
think I will be a PAWS here too. I am a princess here too, just like
you told me I was there with you. I can see all the pretty things now
and I feel so much better. I have wings and soon I will be able to

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by the time you should
read this it should have landed there. And with another swish the
vision was gone.

We left there and went down another path where we were met by a group
of Miss Nancy's fuzzies who had passed before Helena' Robin. They led
us on down another smaller path to the cottage where a picnic was
laid out and music was a-playing. Then an even bigger group of fuzzies
jumped out and dooked "Welcome." (I think she was shocked to see so
many at once). Someone invited her to dance. Then another invited her
to chat. Yet another asked about Miss Nancy. Oh yes, the food tasted
great. I stopped to give her a hug and say my good-byes. I knew that
she was having so much fun and her eyes were wide open and she had her
friends. She had found her forever home.

On my way home, Dexter flew by to let me know that both he and Mimi
were going to be leaving on training for a couple of weeks. I would be
having a substitute courier. (SIGH!).

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 7085]