If possible I'd go for surgery with an experienced vet with this one
(and learn about post op care upfront from both the easily used FML and
FHL archives, and also have Fludrocort on hand since many losses after
such surgery could be prevented though fortunately deaths are rare),
but if she is a poor candidate I'd get BOTH a Suprelorin implant AND a
Ferretonin Implant. Till then Lupron depot AND Ferretonin (NOT the
daily form of Lupron which can worsen Adrenal Disease:

http://www.miamiferret.org/24hr_lupron.htm )

See The Ferret Mailing List

Issue number: 7076 Date: 28 May 2011

for a detailed post on how to order Suprelorin implants and what refs
your vet should put in the letter.

That will also appear in the FML and FHL Archives. The addies of both
are in my sig lines and the FML addy is in the header of each day's
FML, while the FHL archives addy is available as live links in multiple
places in the FHL, including more than once on the homepage.


If you still have questions about either of these ferrets then have a
TN Panel run but to save money have your vet send it directly to the
university rather than through an intermediate lab since using the
intermediate labs for that service can more than double you costs in
some cases:


That is a lot more fair than just guessing and hoping.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)
On change for its own sake: "You can go really fast if you just jump
off the cliff." (2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 7084]