Hey Fml,

I have a few problems regarding trying to get my main group to except a
little adrenal Baldie girl named Nyu. Nyu came to me about a month ago
from a woman that got them for her kids and than decided that ferrets
weren't for them. She is very obviously adrenal, tiny, with almost no
muscle mass. The first day I introduced them to some of mine to see
how they deal with other ferrets was about what I expected. Nyu dooked,
ran around, played, and had some of my guys rolling with laughter.
Pixie, my 2 yr old bitch of the group, did go after her so I did some
discipline scuffing to make her understand that one bite is alright
but any more attacks is unacceptable. I understand they need to do a
hierarchy but pixie takes it to the extreme.

Well...a few weeks latter and Nyu is being attacked by Jack, Tulia,
pixie, and Swiper. Tulia's NEVER been aggressive. Jack has showed a
minute amount of aggression. Swiper just follows pixie. Nyu has wounds
on her bald neck that show just how deep these guys will get to her
skin and she hides when ever placed with the group. I am in the process
of switching her to raw to build better muscle mass/weight, and am
getting her the 3 month supply of lupron sometime this month after my
dog's neuter, Car inspection, etc.The vet said surgery and I feel like
surgery creates bigger problems in the end. The aggression I guess
could be because she is adrenal. I've read a article somewhere that
sometimes ferrets will try to take out the weakest link to their pack.
Yet they never did anything like this to other adrenal kids?

What I would love advice on is how to deal with the aggression linked
with adrenal kids and alpha ferrets? 3 out of 4 are most definitely
my top kids. Tulia's only just starting to break from her fear shell.
Right now she is in the top 1/2 of a ferret nation ether with one of
my sweeter kids, or her cage mate Lucy. Lucy is in with the group to
finish her training into the world of raw. They also get a hold of her
but she holds her ground so no big issues there.

Everything with ferrets is stressful for Nyu. But when I hold her in
my ferret sling and or spend time with her by herself outside of the
ferret room, She is a real sweet heart. Curious by nature. Fun loving.
She was helping me make my bed this evening. ^.^ I've dealt with ferret
fearing ferrets before but just not weakish little adrenal girls with
no body mass vs 2-3lb fatties.

Another Question. One of my girls, 3 months back, showed a sign of
being adrenal and had the 3 month supply of lupron. Her sign was that
her vulva was a little abnormally big. Not huge but enough that it made
me a little worry some. Well...3 months later and nothing has happened.
It hasn't shrunk, gotten bigger, etc. Shoot I finally switched my kids
to a full raw diet 2 months ago and they all gained muscle and weight.

Do you think I should still get her another lupron shot or just deem
her to be non adrenal and her vulva just a fluke of seasonal hormone

Foster Ferrent of Toddle Tuff Foster Program. 
Ferrets: Lelloo & jack, Ripply & Dakota, Pixie Demon, Bear &  Swiper, 
Tulia, Tazzie, Dirt & Wheeze, Lucy & Nyu
Dogs: Sim ( People Aggressive ), And Bo ( Mastive mix pup )
Cat: Sam ( loves Sim )

[Posted in FML 7083]