
My ferret Randy who had what I had believed was an abnormal reaction
to his Ferretonin implant then had it removed is doing well. As I had
explained, it wasn't the implant that caused the rapid breathing, it
was the heart condition that the implant revealed when we began
treating the adrenal disease. Randy had an ultra sound of his heart
last week and the diagnosis was a weak left valve. Can't recall the
actual medical term, but his valve isn't pumping the blood correctly,
causing a backup of blood and his kidneys to slow down. He's been put
on a diuretic and heart meds and I'm pleased to say is doing very well
and back to his old obnoxious self.

Now that we've treated the heart condition, his sexually aggressive
behavior from the adrenal disease is back, so I'm trying to find some
information on the Deslorin or Suprelorin implants. I'm confused and
couldn't find any supplier information in the archives. Are the
Deslorin implants available in the US and if so, who do we contact to
get the implant? I had an email address for PepTech that I gave my vet
for the Suprelorin implants, but she's been unable to get any response.

What is the difference between the two or is Suprelorin just a longer
acting implant? Could someone please supply contact information so we
can order the implants and can we use the Ferretonin in conjunction
with the Des or Suprelorin?


[Posted in FML 7108]