Dear Bridge Greeters;

A dear friend of mine lost his fight to stay on this side today, his
name was Cinnabon. Cinnabon was a DMK rescued breeder boy missing a
few toes. He did not live with me, but with a friend who runs another
shelter. He was sick for a very long time in ferret terms but just
refused to give up. His Mom made that decision for him today when it
became clear there would be no way on this side to help him.

He was a sweet, sweet boy and although I only occasionally got to visit
with him, I shall miss him too. He leaves behind his Momma and his Mrs.
from the farm as well as a few other buds.

Please greet him with open and loving dooks and a few extra ferret
kisses. The first part of his life was challenging at best and he has
certainly earned a special place there by the bridge.

My love to you Cinn,

Brenda, Momma to the FurpeopleWeyr

[Posted in FML 7107]