For those on Facebook, I suggest visiting Barb Clay's Rockys Ferret
Rescue page where I am also posting updates. While FACT has a facebook
page we are sort of busy to manage and cope with comments. So she has
taken on the Facebook communication lead for the ferret community!
(YAY RAH BARB!). So if you are there, you can skip this! :)

The bad news today is we have another showing symptoms and a 4th
beginning to show a rash across their back. I was there to help give
the Vitamin A shots that WFR so generously sent us via Express Mail!
All have their first does. Yay! But we did uncover another little one
with a stomach rash starting after we spotted him in a corner vomiting.
:( And Vanessa has had a big, adrenal boy under watch - though he still
is eating and does not seem to have a fever - as yet.

For the record, we have a total of 24 ferrets in the shelter right now,
with 2 more at the vets in ICU. 1 ferret was pts Tuesday. As of this
morning the 2 at the vet were still stable and holding their own. And
at least 1 more, most likely 2, are showing very early stage symptoms.

I can share that Dr. Ward in Texas recommended that we begin dosing all
the ferrets with cod liver oil. 1/2 teaspoon per ferret per day for 5
days. I am dosing mine here even though the possibility of exposure to
the virus is almost nil. But there is no harm in it. Just a warning,
that overdosing Vit A is NOT wise, nor is long term Vit A therapy
recommended!!! It can be toxic....

I will also share this information that was uncovered during WFR's
outbreak. I can't specifically credit the data as I only know that a
WFR volunteer uncovered the information in a search and coordinated
with Dr. Ward in TX about it - but can say this is fascinating
information and quite frankly - in light of the 2007 date - remarkable
that it hasn't been disseminated further. If accurate, it is a ray of
hope for ferrets! Measles?! WOW!!

Jenny Peterson's excruciating experience with CDV two years ago helped
ferrets when she sent information and the Dr. Ward contact info to WFR
which I believe was instrumental in saving ferret lives in their
shelter. WFR's openness and generous sharing with the community and
FACT directly, will hopefully have allowed us to intervene sooner and
save even more ferret lives. Knowledge builds as long as we all keep
focused on the goal of keeping our silly, furry, slinky companions
happy and healthy!!

We will never forget and are truly humbled by the expressions of
support and concern we've received! I think those who have experienced
anything similar know just how important that is to keeping chin up and
focused. Sharing pain eases the pain - and this IS a painful situation.
No shelter wants to feel that they have somehow put their charges at
risk!! Social support is CRUCIAL.

We also sincerely thank those who have sent donations! We have no clue
as yet what the "bill" might be. But nothing involving ferrets is ever

Again, we still do not have confirmation of CDV - but are at the 99.75%
level of confidence that it is what we are dealing with. As Barb Clay
put it so eloquently "If it walks like a duck...." :)

Ann Gruden
Ferret Association of Connecticut

[Posted in FML 7104]