WFRS Update

Many of you have read of the distemper outbreak which hit Washington
Ferret Rescue & Shelter, in Kirkland, Washington.

As of now, the remaining ferrets in the shelter are all symptom-free
and have tested negative via PCR for CDV virus, so the shelter is

It spread into 3 other homes, and 2 of the three are also completely

We're preparing to re-open, which starts with re-training the
volunteers on some new procedures to try to limit our risk in the

Credit where it's due:
I want to make it really crystal clear that although I've been posting
here as the "voice of the shelter", in part to shield others from any
potential backlash, we would not have had anywhere near the outcome
that we did if it were not for the tireless, unselfish devotion of
Debbi Walcker and Vondelle McLaughlin. They took over care of the
ferrets to keep anyone else from being exposed. Through this time,
there were only the three of us who were in the shelter, and I was in
more of a supportive role, helping to clean up remaining work from our
move. Debbi and Vondelle also kept amazing records which are allowing
us to see patterns that foggy, sleep-deprived memory would have
certainly missed.

Through all of this, we've learned quite a bit, and want to make sure
as many others as possible benefit from what we've gone through. We're
still sifting through records to find links and weed out false trails.

Some things that we've come up with so far:

- The number one thing we've learned is that if a ferret has an unknown
vaccination history, they should be considered to have never been
vaccinated, and should start with a series of two distemper vaccines,
appropriately spaced. Ferrets with this history generally were

- Yes it's costly, but distemper vaccine is a WHOLE LOT cheaper than
treating distemper!

- Conventional wisdom and the experience of many shelters said to
expect 90 - 95% mortality rate among ferrets exposed to distemper.
We were able to save around 60% of the ferrets which were definitely
exposed, and also to save 17 ferrets which had progressed to full-blown
distemper. Those ferrets today are symptom free, and test negative via
PCR test at Phoenix Labs.

- Distemper spreads incredibly easily. We believe that some ferrets
were exposed by using a common litter scoop to clean cages. We also
had a cluster of ferrets get sick near the trash can where we would
sift litterboxes. As a result, we're no longer sifting litter. We
put a minimal amount of litter in the boxes, just enough to cover
the bottom, and toss it when it's used.

- TALK ABOUT IT! Do NOT be shamed into silence! I was nervous about
going public with this, but the response was overwhelmingly, and nearly
universally positive. We received donations of supplies, much needed
cash, and maybe most importantly, we received lots and lots of
emotional support and encouragement. You have no idea how much that
helped to keep us going. Also, as a direct result of going public, we
found out about some treatments being tried which ended up saving the
lives of a bunch of ferrets. If you keep quiet, you are missing out on
all of this help and support.

- Distemper treatment is incredibly expensive. Not only are you shut
down from normal operations, which cuts off a lot of your normal
income, but there are lots of costs I wouldn't have thought of. Vaccine
for re-vaccinating everyone in the shelter, Vitamin A and interferon
and other meds for treatments, cremations for those that passed,
gallons of bleach and gallons of alcohol hand-sanitizer, and on and

I had originally intended to make a pitch for help for our sadly empty
checking account, but if FACT is starting down this road, they need the
help and support more than we do at the moment. You guys did an amazing
job of supporting us, please help them as well.

Kevin Farlee
Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter

[Posted in FML 7104]