It will help to know which area she is coming in from. The information
was removed from the sites, I think, because it was outdated. Reno
through Tahoe to Truckee, for example, now has a large station that you
must drive through, no way around it. If you decide to take the back
roads around it, you run the risk of being stopped by local police for
not looking "local", certainly if you are driving a moving truck.

Will she have California plates already? That is the best way. Drive
in with the truck if possible, leave a loved one and the ferrets at a
hotel out of state, get a rental car with Cali plates, drive back and
pick up the little guys.

If that is not possible -- and if she is coming in through the Reno
area -- she can go through the state parks. This will avoid any
stations. The route to take would be south from Reno, taking 395
until it turns into 88, taking 88 into California. I would take 88
to Stockton (or whichever route you need to go).

As for Southern California, I don't know :-(.  I would suggest
contacting Ferrets Anonymous for that information. If you still need
help, please make another post.


[Posted in FML 7082]