Saraferret. It is with a heavy heart and many tears that I report our
oldest little girl living her 10th year, has passed quietly to the
"Bridge Gang". Gigi was a diminutive DEW (with hearing intact) rescue
when we lived in the ferret unfriendly state of CACA land and she moved
with us and the rest o the tribe to AZ in 2006. She and her buddy
Bisbee were labeled a national security threat since they belonged to
high level security folks guarding important resources in CA. Bisbee
crossed over last year but Gigi remained with us.bravely fighting a
insulinoma. She leaves behind her best friend Buddy as well as
Williwaw, Chubasco, Geronimo, Woozel and Rascal but is finally reunited
with Bisbee, Max, Abba (the dancing queen), Flower and all the others
from our family who have passed in the last few years. Please make sure
she gets a warm welcome and that she knows her hoomans care deeply
about her and will always miss her sweet kisses, mad dances and little

Putorius and Sexy Six and ALWAYS remembering all our kids on the other

Putorius and the sexy six

[Posted in FML 7098]