Contrary to popular belief, it takes a great deal of crap to get under
my skin., I am peeved. And I am trying to be kind. All
shelters are over-loaded, have no money, few adoptions...the list goes
on. However, just in the past darn 6 months, RFRL has taken in 28
military ferrets, 11 dropped off ill ferrets, over 14 ferrets from
animal control agencies all across VA. & what REALLY pisses me off, are
abandoned ferrets and strays. Last Sun. I walked out on my carport,and
there sat a small cage, an older chocolate boy ferret, NO FOOD,....He
is about 4-5 yrs old and has insulinoma. He's doing ok so far. Karen
(in Culpepper) tried to help out a Military couple by keeping their 2
ferrets for 1 month until they had relocated. Nope. They've decided
they no longer want these ferrets. Today, I received a desperate call
from a lady in Harrisonburg (about 2+ hours from Richmond)- she had
found an emaciated, bald male ferret in her front yard. It is amazing
that he'd survived our 90+ degree heat. This kind-hearted soul checked
with all of her neighbors, called local pounds, to see if anyone was
missing a single ferret. Nope. Paige and myself are taking a road trip
Friday, June 3rd, to pick up this survivor. We really try to keep 25 &
under ferrets per household.... let's just say 3 of us are over this
limit. WTF??? I had a call this am from a young woman asking if we
could keep her ONE ferret for awhile. I asked why & how long. Her
answer? TWO YEARS. Because she's going to school for 18 months. I
advised her to find a permanent home for this fert. Another lady called
this am from Newport News (near the beach)- she needed to place 3
ferrets TODAY...because she's moving. I advised her to try the Norfolk
SPCA- they are a no-kill, and are on Pet Finders. They do a pretty good
job w/ ferrets. Another lady emailed that she had a single ferret &
could no longer stand the smell...and couldn't afford the food. So,
what on earth is going on???

Okay, I feel better now, I guess. Just needed to vent a bit. Thanks
for listening. It has sucked this past week, mostly because of Memorial
week- I haven't gone to a few ceremonies, but did attend the "Wall of
Honor" (they held a HUGE ceremony that started at the Governor's
mansion & then proceeded to a new building where Kyle's photo and plack
are put up, along w/other killed Military))...and then Tues. I went to
my son's High School for the awards ceremony...It meant a great deal
for me that he attend college- which he did. So I started a scholarship
for him w/the help of another couple who had lost their son 2 yrs
ago-My son grew up w/ this family's 2 boys. It just never ends. There
are 2 more ceremonies for Kyle and the 63 other men from his unit who
were killed in Afghanistan this year. 64 total out of 200 men from the
101st 502nd Air Assault "Strike" Force. It's the ferrets that help me
keep going- that and my son would kick my ass if I shut down. A bit
off topic, but DAMN.

Marlene b.
Director RFRL
(I'll get over the peeved thing ...I promise)

[Posted in FML 7081]