Dear All,

I'm old school, you take care of yourself, go about your business
quietly and privately. That is unless you run a shelter from your home.

Then one day another shelter op visited Rocky's and said to invite the
public to Ferretstock, do fundraising, that we were doing good things
here and it deserved community support.

Huh? Really?....I shyly said. Those that know me, know how shy I am,
and how awkward this moment was for me.

That was said to me 6 yrs into my 18 yrs of the personal journey of
sheltering and rescue. Honestly, that personal conversation with
another shelter op, changed my life, because I was at that time,
closing up shop. done. spent.

So, I decided to give it a go. All these years later, I'm still
here.....I'm a glutton for punishment, what can I say?

Glad I didn't close, because so many large rescues and community
supported surrenders have come through Rocky's door since then. It
takes a team, and I'm so proud of all the volunteers that have
supported Rocky's through all these years. Together...are you sitting
down....over 4,000 ferrets have come through our doors, and been

I congratulate all our volunteers and adoptive and foster families, and
then there is the contingent that made it all possible..............the
ferret community!! YOU!!!

I'm tired, but tell ya what, nothing like the success of a good
fundraiser to breathe new fresh air into myself and the Rocky's team to
continue. Hehehehe, and not kidding, I'm still shy about asking for
support, I really am. I so hate having to write this post!!!!! All
shelter ops can relate to this statement, ".. there's nothing like
waking up in the morning knowing you have a zero balance with your
vet!" One special needs new surrendered ferret can set a shelter back a
thousand dollars so easily! freakin easily!!! ...but
it's what we no-kill shelters do.

Can you all make this fundraiser for Rocky's a kick ass over the hill
to beat all???

We all here at Rocky's hope so! We've worked real hard to bring to you
all some incredible items!! Seriously, busted butt!!!

Go to and spend a few bucks, and help keep one
of the oldest shelters in the US alive and viable, capable of handling
the on-slaught of surrendered ferrets that are a result of this economy
of good folks losing their homes and jobs, in addition to your normal
slobs of life giving up their ferrets. As well as do what Rocky's is
known and respected for.....We do RESCUE!!!!..locally, nationally,
wherever the call comes from!

 ...are you still with on.......

Here's some raffle highlights:

$3 Items - OMGOD, check out the donation by Debbie Saunders/Big Lick
Ferret Shelter, of the crystal and pure gold ferret figurine. $125
retail. I collect ferret if you win this, SERIOUSLY, GIVE IT
TO ME!!! I will know who you are and hunt you down!

NEXT, it's Father's Day Sunday. OMG, you can't forget Father's Day!!!
So, let's work it this way, I got you covered!! Go to the $3 and buy some raffle tickets on this fantastic saw.
If you are at FERRETSTOCK on Saturday, you walk away with it and give
it to your dad. If you are not there, get him a nice card and put a
picture in it, and tell him it's being shipped and he'll get it this
week. He'll get over it. See there, how I have your back! Also, I don't
know of any woman that shouldn't have a great power saw sitting next to
her microwave or sewing machine, complete your set! Now, go buy some
raffle tickets for this great saw.

TOWER OF FUN; If you have a ferret, the need this. Running back and
forth, BORING, does little to enrich your ferret. Want a healthy and
mentally challenged ferret, get this!! Retail $115

Shhhhh, now this is just between us, I've diverted everyone's attention
to the $3 items. Go check out the 100 $1 items, and drop some coin, so
many items, your odds of winning something if you invest a few, is
seriously good.

While you are at it, everyone is busy with the $3 and the $1....QUICK,
run to the $2 items and pick some nifty stuff out, your odds are
serious better than good for winning!....don't quote me on that, I'm
math challenged.

Again, thank you all for your support. I apologize for being so shy
about fundraising, it's so not in my nature to ask for anything from
anyone. I hate that I'm so shy!

Disclaimer: If it's for my ferrets, yeah, I'm a pimp. A shameless
ferret pimp. I've gotten better over the years!!

In the Maryland area and want to attend a really fun party:

Love you guys, thanks for all the wonderful years of support!

Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's
Parkton, MD 21120

[Posted in FML 7094]