I'm so glad I have FML to turn to with my many ferret questions! So I
just recently began brushing my ferrets teeth. I didn't earlier in
their lives because someone told me (not from FML) that brushing teeth
was only necessesary in older ferrets. After reading up I found that
really isn't the case and started anyways. It appears I'm too late
though. My ferrets aren't old (one is over a year the other is under a
year) and they're on a good diet. (EVO and some diluted furotone for a
treat) Still, while brushing their teeth I noticed some dark greenish
buildup on the very back teeth. I tried to scrape some of it off but
they wouldn't hold still so i'll have to try again when someone can
scruff them for me.

I'm using marshall's dental gel for their teeth and i usually use a rag
till I get a fingertip brush (need to pick one up, unless you guys know
of something that works better!) I just want to know what this is and
if this is serious and requires a vet's attention or can i solve this
problem myself?

[Posted in FML 7093]