The SOS Memorial Day Card Exchange is officially over. And what fun
we had. As always the cards were stupendous.

All together you raised $89.00 for the SOS general fund. This means
that you have had a hand in helping pay for food, Vet bills, and
Feratonin implants for shelter ferrets.

On behalf of the ladies of SOS, shelters, and ferrets in need, thank
you to: Mark & Debbie Fitzgerald, Marilyn Ledoux, Kathleen Collins,
Jennifer and Smokey Dominguez, Linda Wimpee, Lee Rose Wilson, Pat
Shaskin, Shanna Gamache, Mindy Harvey, Heather Pittman, Renee Downs,
Janice Mansfield, and Angela Neiswenter.

Next up, the 4th of July Card Exchange. Deadline to sign up is June
24. Please email me and [log in to unmask]

Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 7091]