Dear Ferret Folks--

It's a scorcher in New England today. It's 85 and muggy. We don't
usually get this kind of heat right away, we're not accustomed to it.
Two weeks ago we had nights in the 40's! Needless to say, it's tough
to be a ferret here today.

I have the boy's cage blackout curtain pulled aside, they get a nice
cross-breeze. I have also placed two frozen chicken necks in there. It
keeps them cool, and gives them something to take their mind off of the
heat. As I type Caff-Pow and Todd are both licking the frozen necks as
if they were soft-serve and the boys were little kids who had managed
to catch the ice-cream truck. (Remember running for the ice-cream
truck? It was good to be young and spry.)

This evening when things cool down (hopefully) I will extract the no
longer frozen necks and dispose of them. I always keep a few in my
freezer for days like this!

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 7080]