I also have a pretty laid back group of ferrets. There is never too
much trouble integrating a newby. It wasn't always that way, and
something you said in your original post struck a note with me. Did
you say your new baby is white? Is he possibly deaf, or very hard of
hearing? I find that deaf ferrets are very vocal and when a scuffle
breaks out it sounds like someone is being murdered, when a deaf ferret
is involved. I have 2 deaf ferrets right now, both DEW, and even in
energetic play, there is lots of noise. When Fara (DEW) was being
introduced to the group, she would chase another ferret grab them by
the neck and scream.

You are doing the right thing by letting them duke it out a while. They
have to establish the pecking order. It is funny to see my tiny little
Sami ( sable), around one pound, let every one know she is the Queen.
The only time I step in is if one is older and maybe a bit frail or
very young and hasn't learned how to defend themselves yet. The young
ones can usually outrun the one that is after them anyway.

It is too bad you have to cage them together at this point, I think
the extension on the cage would be a good idea. How many ferrets do
you have, and it it a ferret nation cage. It is always good to have
a separate cage or section anyway, to use as a sick cage.

Good luck, and be patient. One day you will find them all cuddled

Pat BAby
Everything will be alright in the end!
If it's not alright, it's not the end.

[Posted in FML 7088]