Greetings Everyone. I recently was at Lollypop Farm (our Humane
Society) and while I was not able to see the ferrets, I did inquire
about them. Allyson, my foster counselor was able to share the
following information with me.

The 2 ferrets we have now are wonderful! They are Precious & Bear.
Bear is a 9-month old male & Precious is a 1-year old female. The
admitter moved to a complex that wouldn't allow pets. He had only had
them 6-months after getting them off of Craigslist. According to his
surrender profile, he only fed them Dad's Cat Food. Now of course, they
are on Marshall's. They only had weekly exercise. He says they are
litter trained, but every time I walk by their cage, it is tipped
over... They lived with cats & got along well. He does say that they
are afraid of children & not used to living with them. I have made
them a 2-4-1 deal, so an adopter would get both for the price of one.
($50.00). Oh! and they love FerreTone! Thanks for posting them!

I did share some ideas with Allyson about why the litter boxes are
tipped as well as how they might prevent this. They are still learning
about ferrets, but I see good things happening and ferrets are going
to screened homes and people.

If you would like to view the kids you may do so via this link. Perhaps
you have room for them to come and enjoy your company :)
Click on each pic for a closer view.

Looks like both are sables. Bear may be a sable mitt, I see white toes.

Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Ryan

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7088]