Kat called me yesterday to tell me what had happened, but I didnt'
report it here and I should have. I apologize to every one (and Kat).
Yes, that area flooded in Illinois as well as other places along the
Mississippi river. They say the river is at the highest level since
1937. If I understood Kat correctly, they had to break levee's to allow
the water to flood a horrendous amount of farmlands, which is sad, to
save residential areas. There was a mandatory evaculation of course.
And Kat had to go. It was very difficult as she has a few outdoor
animals that she can't put in a car. Luckily there are some pretty
incredible people out there. She was put in touch with some kind
strangers who not only took in her pets, but they came to get them AND
while there they moved all her furniture upstairs so it would not be
damaged. They did this all AFTER she left. She has never met them. I
believe Dianne, a ferret breeder (I'm sorry, I can't remember her name)
took Kat and her ferrets (and cat) in. She's been there since the
weekend. She "might" be able to go home sometime next week.

I will tell her people noticed her absense, were concerned and missed


[Posted in FML 7054]