I have not been following closely, so if this has already been
mentioned, please forgive me.

There are those of us who cannot attend the symposium, due to large
numbers of special needs ferrets at home. Some have financial or time
constraints and can`t be there. Will someone be filming the talks, so
that we might buy the CD(s) and learn? The $$ from the sale of these
CDs could benefit SOS or the ferret organization of your choice.

I have really enjoyed the ones from Randi, but I never heard of anyone
else selling them, since the Symposium in Canada.

If someone already has this planned, we would like to purchase a set.
Please contact us.

Thanks so much.


[Moderator's note: The handouts may be made available and the sessions'
audio recorded, but currently we have no volunteers to actually
transcribe the recordings. BIG]

[Posted in FML 7051]