Monday I got the best news ever, I have a heart anomalie that I have
had problems with off and on for years. Monday I was told that it had
finally resolved. I was elated. Tuesday my bestest little weasel ever
had to leave for the bridge. Maybe he thought that I would be so happy
about the heart thing that I wouldn't hurt too much, but he was wrong.

If one of the Bridge greeters would watch out for my little man Fester
I would appreciate it. He will be a big ole white boy with dark
chocolate eyes. He loved to play and might be a little confused as to
how he came to be there, you see he was only 4 years old and probably
thought as I did that he would be with me for a while longer.

A couple of months ago I took Festerman in for his yearly vaccinations,
for the first time in 4 years he had a reaction, a really bad one.
Afterwards he was never the same. He had to learn to walk and was very
timid, something that he never was before. In the last two weeks of
his life he started having seizures, bad ones. Wednesday they were the
worse and he was so scared. I couldn't stand to see it anymore, I was
keeping him alive for me, he couldn't run and play. He couldn't figure
out who his cage mates were. And the worse was that he was trying to
bite me hard every chance he got. He had always been the most sweetest,
playful, fun loving little man ever. Now all he could do was lay there
and be afraid and have seizures.

This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Because I feel like
this was my fault. I was the human, I made the decision to get the
vaccinations that eventually took his little life force away.

Please welcome him to the bridge and tell him that his momma misses
him terribly and is truly sorry.


[Posted in FML 7075]