Hi Amanda,

This is regarding your post of December 8th:

I have also read reports where people experienced looser/watery stools
in their ferrets when feeding Innova EVO. However, I have been using it
for a number of years in ferrets of all ages, including my own and
fosters who come into care and have NEVER had a problem with it.

Speculations as to why some ferrets may develop problems with Innova

- it is not being properly stored and has spoiled (note, it does not
contain preservatives, hence, I keep it in the fridge)
- it is being left too long in food bowls and is spoiling (note, if it
gets damp from adjoining water dish, etc., it will spoil very quickly)
- it is not introduced as gradually as required, for example, I mix
1/10 gradually increasing proportion of EVO to old food over a period
of 3-4 months
- it is possible that the odd ferret might have an allergy to chicken
and/or turkey (key ingredients in EVO)


[Posted in FML 7074]