Oh be so sudden and heart breaking Fingle the big gentle cuddles boy
has departed even though he was big and seemed healthy something went
seriously wrong in his tummy and it infected his lungs too, we all be
puzzled how and why but it was too much for him to overcome and he
passed in mums loving arms.

He be in full winter coat so he shouldn't be hard to miss

Fingle be friends with Merlin Ferret and Merlin is sending dragons to
escort him to you, dragons Grale, Naelyan, and Sairys who are three
very large dragons. But they be gentle just as they were when Badgy
came to Rainbow Bridge, Addy Numbi Badgy Pebbles and many more from
New Zealand will be headin to meet him, he be's so special a ferret,
he has left a big hole in hearts to fill. Kayla, Rhys, mum Liz and
all here do send him along with love abounding.

We knows you be busy but we loves you cos you greets da NZ furries so
well, there be some xtra loves in Fingles back pack for you n da kits
froms us too


Da NZ Clan

P.S. Ooops I did miss Andie, Lil-M and Fergus off the list for those
missing Fingle the big gentles boy greeting request and he is a light
Chocolate Colour, love from da NZ Clan

[Posted in FML 7072]