I got Toast a few years ago after he had been abused by being set on
fire by some "men". He only had a nub for a tail and his feet so scared
they looked as if they were upside down. He could not run as a normal
ferret only do a cute little "hop", nor could he climb on the side of
things due to the misshappened way of his feet. But he tried so hard.
Socks were put on ramps so the feet would not get hung betweek the
rungs. I could find him on the top shelf of the FN cage in a hammy all
snuggled in many a time!

He became the Ambassador to my shelter/rescue/hospice. He was the
inspiration to all. I shared his life and stories with everyone by way
of internet, stories online and Ferrets USA. He was the Head Certified
Therapy Ferret. He went into classrooms teaching children about pet
ownership, ferrets, and pet abuse. He traveled with me all the way to
PA to ferret shows! He may not have won 1st place in his division, but
he was 1st place to me and those who knew him! I shared him with the
world and had even said he was "everyone's ferret". For the 1st Fuzzie
Friends Rodeo he won the Costume Contest as a Fireman and had a
Firetruck! He rode in on his firetruck proudly! This year he placed 7th
but is still a winner in my eyes and always will be! His job as "Head
Therapy Ferret" will be passed on to Morla now as he knows what to do
and will do it proudly! When Toast's first partner passed, Morla went
with Toast to the nursing home. Toast didn't feel like working that
day. It was so touching to see Morla cover Toast up with the blanket
in the carrier, turn around and walk back out of the carrier and look
at me like "time to work, let's do it!" Morla will do you proud Toast!

My dear sweet Toast has now earned his wings!!!! His tumor that was
near his penis had grown super size and actually was a matter of days
now. He had dropped weight since last week when I took him in, not a
good sign of course, even tho I had seen him eating. I guess he had
packed his bags already so he could help Helena' at the Rainbow Bridge
with the Therapy work coz his Badge was missing so he must have put it
in his bag!! His feet are no longer deformed, he finally has his tail
back!! He can finally run and dook with every other ferret!!! He is in
no pain!!! He and Helena' will do their job at the Bridge as they make
a great team!!! I of course was not ready for either of them to go,
but I guess they both were needed there at the Bridge!!! Toast brought
smiles to so many at schools and esp at the nursing homes!!! His
therapy work will not stop as others I have will continue his work and
legacy in his name!!! None will compare of course, but they will do the
work he did!!! I had doc take a pix of us as I held him in my arms as
he went to sleep forever. Fly high and free my sweet Toast Man!!! Chase
all the butterflies coz now you CAN run and chase them!!! You can do
all the things you couldn't do before!!!! Mama loves you so much!!! So
much that I set you free!!!!!

Hugs, Nancy & the Fuzzie Friends Org.

[Posted in FML 7066]