I have always said, "We don't hear a lot from Diane Wall on the FML,
being the busy lady she is over at South Shore Ferret HOME, (HOME is my
joke with Diane) but when she does post her words are well collected
and her message is important - usually touching your heart as well.

Oh my dear Turbo, I was just thinking of you last night. I am so sad
to hear about your declining health. I suppose this means your days of
riding your litter box down the ramps of your cage have come to an end.
You and all the DMK bears are special to me. Know this; Turbo. I will
hold you in "Love and Light" Always and ease any pain for you, Diane
will be there and love you til the end and beyond and see you get your
walks in the grass, Eleanor will be by on Wednesday nights to give you
hugs for me an when your time to go to Rainbow Bridge arrives, Phyllis
will be by with her specially equipped ferret bus to give you a lift.

Rose, Michele, Eleanor, Diane and a few others from the South Shore
area took in the 13 kids that Susann Thiel and I delivered to eastern
NY from Lynx, Ohio in September of 2007. I sold my van a year or so
after that event and remember finding kibble and other little items
from that trip under seats and in little nooks. I never knew cleaning
a car could be so emotional.

This past summer I was able to get over to the South Shore summer event
and meet Turbo and a few other DMK kids that made that road trip with
us. That rescue was a life changing event for me. Touched me in a very
deep and heartfelt manner. Each time I read of a DMK kid passing I take
a special moment to remember the kindness that came to Lynx, Ohio from
all over the nation. It was overwhelming.

In honor of my special buddy Turbo and all the DMK Kids, I will again
make arrangements with Sharon to match funds to either of the two vets
being presented funds at the June symposium up to $100.00. If you have
a DMK or a DMK came into your life and you would like to honor them,
you could do so by sending even $2.00 to Sharon at the IFC address
below. If you match mine, the IFC will then match ours.

Many of the DMK's ran into a number of issues; tumors, insulinoma,
adrenal, bad teeth, cardiomyopathy, some died on the vet's tables being
neutered or spayed, some never really did adjust to life as a pet
instead of a breeder ferret kept in an outdoor cage with limited human
contact. Oh, the stories I could tell about setting up cages and trying
to get them into the new ones. Watching ferrets wear litter boxes for
hats because they had no idea what else to do with them. A two day trip
to Maren's vet in Memphis with 19 babies. That was the hard one,
leaving them as they looked at me with those pleading eyes asking
"Where are you going without us?" It was probably a year before I
caught up with Maren on the FML and she gave me a run down on every
single kid Lori and I left in Memphis that day.

So many of our furry loves develop each of the above ailments and more.
Here in the Ryan house White Bear is in a serious battle with his IBD -
what a valiant fellow he is. Young Silver just had an aspiration done
on his spleen - white cell count is up; we are moving into our Sweetest
last Dance mode. Charles was just diagnosed with insulinoma and has
started his meds and is feeling a bit more perky. Your prayers would
be appreciated.

Thank God for the development of the Alpha Trak, saved me a vet visit
and gave Charles more immediate treatment (I work closely with my vet
over the phone - I did not ignore vet care where Charles is concerned).
Now I will pray for more successful research for lymphoma, some
medications, preventions or procedures that don't break the bank.
Lymphoma and cardiomyopathy were new diseases to hit the Ryan camp this
past year. I can say with great convinction, I don't like them very

I know money is tight everywhere, but please consider what these two
dynamic vets have given our animals already and give them funds to help
even more. Give up a specialty coffee this week or pack your lunch
instead of buying. Pass on that new outfit and give these kids soem


Funds can be sent to:

Sharon Bearden, IFC
1245 Curtis Switch Rd
Mineral Bluff, GA 30559

Or you can use Paypal and pay to [log in to unmask]

Cathy Ryan

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7063]