The hard rubber box sat on top of an unopened litter container for
a long time. It contained odds and ends associated with the various
finger exercises necessary in rehab of my hands. A team of ferrets
worked at knocking it down off its perch onto the floor this morning,
then worked unsuccessfully at nudging open the lid with persistent
noses. Mouse was particularly zoned in on attempting to open the box.
Such could she know that what she is doing could
open this container? Such a weasel nose. Such a bright minx.

It was quite entertaining to witness. When this did not provide the
anticipated result, the box was shuffled down the hall next to metal
and glass shelving. On the second shelf were a scramble of shoes worn
during a usual week. I try to keep them safe here from grasping paws.

These poor shoes mysteriously disappear from time to time due to the
ingenuity of the ferret gymnasts that reside here. Sometimes, they end
up looking sadly abused. I was in luck this morning. Beavus is a shoe
thief of the worst kind. He eagerly pulled downa fairly heavy shoe and
trotted down the hall with his "kill' held high in his beautiful silver
jaw. My little lion. Only one shoe was stolen before I moved the box to
the dining room.

As the first group was tucked away, and the white group let out, there
was instant excitement over the box. It made its way down the long
hall, and wajumped on by 3 ferrets that then performed a leaping Indian
dance around the box. Noses once again practiced their alarming skills
and actually started to open a side of the box that was snapped shut.

The box had to be quickly shut and moved out of sight. I was followed
with box in my arm by lanky figures leaping repeatedly onto my legs..
Removing this interesting item was not received well by the crowd.
Several bowls of Absolute ferretone over ice were?served up by the
besotted bar keeper before she shuffled out the door with a smile on
her face.

Such excitement, drama, activity, chortling and laughter: The morning
of the box.

[Posted in FML 7063]