Swiper, my beloved last of the old school crew of Turd Burglars, was
sadly helped across the bridge today. He has had a long battle with
adrenal disease that became too much for even him to handle. He was a
tough trooper up till the end. He was happy to snack on his kibble &
soup, even though it was just a little each time as adrenal took its
course. : sigh:

Please see that he finds an endless supply of his favorite guilty
pleasure, Bit O Honey candies. Anytime he would get hold of one, he
would run off & hide with it like he found hidden treasure!!! I guess
for a ferret that is sort of true. And maybe let him stubmel across a
mirror that show him how his full beautiful cinnamon/chocolate mit coat
is regained, and that he is surprised by having his medicine belly
gone, and his hansum ferret shape is restored.

A0 Swiper will probably be wondering what is going on over the bridge.
I prayed with him many times about healing and all of the happiness he
would have there; along with being reunited with his sister Kasey, who
crossed over last year. He was a rather simple ferret, but I think his
favorite thing in the world, along with one of mine, was snuggling in
bed each & every night, since i started letting them free roam...As
bad as his health was getting, he made it is priority to hobble up
the ramp, burrow under the covers, curl up next to me; even with more
accessible bedding every where! (: That sound he made coming up the
ramp to my bed & getting under the covers; It was the sound of heaven &
the sound of a memory I will never forget.

-Keeper of the Turd Burglars

[Posted in FML 7059]