Dearest FML Lovers

I also have a story in regard to the subject of "partners in crime"!
Years ago, I had a very bonded pair, named Chance and Storm. They did
everything together, they even got in trouble together. I had a wooden
barrier between the ferret room and the rest of the house. Oh how they
wanted over that barrier!! One particular day, while the other ferrets
were playing, I happened to notice a bit of extra added activity by the
barrier by who else but Chance and Storm. At that time I had an small
air cleaner in the corner next to the barrier. I saw them both sniffing
it, when Storm started pushing it with his nose, closer to the barrier.
When he got it to about the middle of the barrier he stopped. The two
of them sniffed about again when Storm stood up with his paws on the
air cleaner and knocked it over. Within seconds, Chance was on that
air cleaner, took one easy hop and over the barrier he went with Storm
right behind him! I know they plotted their escape together. It was so
well executed I just couldn't believe what I saw! Many years ago in
Ferrets Magazine(when it was on paper) the editor asked for stories
just like these to be featured in a story about how ferrets help each
other. My kids escape was in that story! I have yet to see another
example of teamwork in that degree with any of my ferrets since, but
there are days I swear I can just see those wheels turning, "What can
we do next together??"

Sue & Crew
Holly, Ruby, & Buddy Pyron

[Posted in FML 7058]