Did you know the International Ferret Congress is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization? In fact, the IFC is run entirely by
volunteers who pay their own transportation to attend the symposia.

The fundraisers held during each symposium raise money for The
Emergency Love Fund (ELF) and the IFC general fund and that money is
used to help ferret shelters and fund research. All money in excess of
expenses go directly to help ferrets -- and the expenses are pretty
much covered by your registration fees and generous sponsors.

So, shelters, when you have an emergency like damage from the recent
storms or when there are disasters of natural or the manmade kind you
can request help from the IFC.

But the IFC needs YOUR help now and is looking for donations of items
to be used for the raffles during the Phoenix event. If you have
something you would like to share and donate, such as a handmade or
store bought ferrety item, please email me. If you can let me know
today or tomorrow, we will still have time to list you in the program
to thank you for your donation.

If you are attending the Phoenix event then you can take your donation
with you and deliver it in person. If you aren't able to attend please
email me for shipping info. Also, please let me know where to send your
donation receipt.

Thank you,
Sharon Bearden, IFC
Fundraising Coordinator
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(Please feel free to cross post)

[Posted in FML 7058]