I'm really happy to hear that there is another ferret-related book out
there, but - as someone else pointed out - the Kindle format can be
read on Kindle readers only. There are lots of Kindle owners, so I
have my fingers crossed that you get lots of sales, but I won't be
buying the book because I can't read it on my eBook reader.

I wrote this message mostly because I wanted to caution people against
using PublishAmerica for trying to get published. I read blogs and web
pages from various writing communities and I've not heard anything
positive about PublishAmerica. Many people are still waiting for
PublishAmerica to fulfill the promise of getting their books into
the major book stores.

For others that are interested in doing print-on-demand, whether
you want to provide a printed copy or a downloadable PDF, check out
Lulu.com or some other print-on-demand company. I do have one book
from Lulu, and I'm very impressed with the overall look of the book.
I had to do all the formatting myself, but once the formatting was
finalized, the resulting content looked exactly as I had formatted it.

I've heard a lot of good things about Lulu.com, including from people
that created photo books for their own families and were very impressed
with the quality. I'm not sure about ebook reader formats since I
haven't checked recently, but since some ebook readers can read PDFs,
that may work well enough.


[Moderator's note: The Kindle format can also be read on computers
if you install the free Kindle application. Or on an iOS (e.g. iPad)
or Andriod device, again with a free Kindle app. BIG]

[Posted in FML 7057]