I have to give a big shout out to all you folks in the ferret
community! You really know how to help out!

Here at Critter Camp exotic Pet Sanctuary we care for over 300
abandoned abused unadoptable pets of 36 different species, right now
16 of em are ferrets in our big free range ferret room- these guys
have adrenal and/or insulinoma, are elderly, etc. and will live out
the rest of their lives here with 'assisted care & hospice"

Anyway- we recently put out a plea of desperation because we have our
$1000 insurance premium and someother annual expenses due right now
and a few of our regular larger donors have just cut back due to hard
times...so we were in a heck of a bind.

We sent out notices on Facebook, and to the many different animal
communities we belong to- and who came thru the best?? Why you folks-
the ferret lovers!! We've raise over half of that grand mostly coming
in from 'farents' So a big pat on the back to you all!!!

We still have a bit to go before Monday- yes Monday...sigh.... such is
the never ending stress of running a rescue- so if anyone else is able
to toss a few dollars our way it would still be greatly appreciated:
you can donate at www.paypal.com & direct to [log in to unmask]
Even $5 adds up - really

Stop by our Facebook page & see how we're doing- and don't forget every
Wednesday is Weasel Wednesday on our page- you can post & share your
ferret pics stories videos:

Thank you!!!!!
www.youtube.com/crittercampmom see our fuzzies in action here!

[Posted in FML 7056]