A couple of people wrote me asking about the game featured in my ferret
video that I posted here yesterday. I thought it was worth answering
here being that you can make the game a "ferret game". The name of the
game is Little Big Planet for the PS3, and PSP. It is ground breaking
type of game in that it is so imaginative with infinite ways to play
it. I do not game. Not since Mario brothers and Galaga anyway lol. But
this? Hell yah, I can play this. You don't have to "know how to game"
to play with this thing. I just follow my husband and friends around,
or just dink around meandering my way through levels and courses when
I'm by myself. The best part is that it can be a great party game and
it can be a great game to go solo on.

You can make your "Sack Boy" (little man) into anything you want. You
can even make a mini you! I made my little characters into ferrets for
my video. I had NO clue as to what I was doing and, as you can see,
they still came out cute. Chet just informed me that there are stickers
and other objects that I could have put on my characters to make masks
and things that would make them look exactly like ferrets.

In case you missed my post and have no clue what I'm talking about:


[Posted in FML 7024]