I am aware of the heavy duty ferret tubing 4 3/8". However, I am
loooking for plastic tubing - heavy duty is not required, but I need a
larger diameter, for example 5 inches. I have some visually and hearing
impaired ferrets who are also a bit rotund. A few are simply rotund. I
find the visually impaired ferrets are more hesitant to enter the tubes
that are a smaller and I want them to have the tube experience because
when they do go in, they seem to enjoy the interaction and moveemnt.
More movement will play adn important part in downsizing.

Has anyone tried larger tubes or know of vendors where one can get a
"good price?" Local hardware stores here are not carrying the plastic
tubing since the aluminum dryer hose is required. Thanks for any ideas.

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[Posted in FML 7024]