Many will recall the Ohio rescue. 2007. There was a dramatic story of
behind the scenes that was never told. I had a team of 16 dedicated
folks from all aspects of rescue that worked relentlessly and was
postured to do a 2,000 ferret rescue. We worked hard for months, had
our pictures that were covertly taken, eye-witness statements, etc. We
absolutely epitomized the anatomy of a large scale rescue. We were
ready, with clockwork precision to move on this rescue, and do it
right! We had a rescue plan, complete with flowcharts on how we would
execute this rescue!

I took all of this information and with over 100 colored pictures, and
50 pages of expert documentation, went to the HSUS corporate office in
Maryland and begged for their help in funding this rescue. I handed out
to each board member a bound folder of our findings, no one had to
share, I put it under each of their noses.

I got such comments as, "We really don't know anything about ferrets",
and the comments were just rude and ignorant from there. They did get
back to me, and refused to become involved. Then as the progress of the
governmental officials progressed, that our team had worked with moved
forward, suddenly out of no where there was a buy-out. Everything we'd
worked for and planned, went up in smoke. We all were mortified, we'd
all worked so hard for so many months to do the 'perfect rescue'. We
all now how it all went down from there. Still, the original team
supported the effort in every way possible.

I'm not rehashing the Ohio rescue here. I am addressing the HSUS, the
Humane Society of the United States. HSUS is a corporate entity. Your
local Humane Societies have no connection with them what so ever, so
please do support them.

If the HSUS had acted with our Ohio Team originally when our case was
pleaded, there would have been more ferrets from Ohio saved, and the
finances of the rescue covered and well documented by the HSUS. But
alas, the HSUS didn't give a flying freak about this rescue, at it's
time, the largest rescue in the history of the country. HSUS is all
about face time, and not about supporting shelters or
rescues...certainly not that of ferrets!...imho.

So, myself and the team, licked our wounds. We were hurt, kicked to the
curb by the HSUS.

After reading this today, I feel better. Someone is actually 'getting
it', realizing just what a fraud the HSUS is in terms of supporting
shelters and rescues.

Here is Don Young, Rep in Alaska. Read what he has to say about HSUS. I
rest my case:
For easy reading, I provide!

Oh Hail Don Young, my newest hero!!

Washington, Mar 30 - Rep. Young Refuses Humane Society Award

Alaskan Congressman Don Young refused an award this evening from The
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Humane Society
Legislative Fund that would have honored his work for animals in 2010.
While capitalizing on the good work of local humane societies that
shelter, spay, and neuter animals, the HSUS does not own, operate,
or directly control a single animal shelter in our country, despite
a budget of well over $100 million.

"HSUS are hypocrites, plain and simple, and I will not join them by
accepting this award," said Rep. Young. "Local animal shelters and
humane societies do excellent work by caring for neglected and homeless
animals, and through their spaying and neutering programs. This
organization, however, has absolutely nothing to do with animal
welfare. Instead they prey on the emotions of big-hearted Americans.
They flash images of abused animals on our television screens to raise
money that will eventually go to pay their salaries and pensions, not
to helping better the lives of these animals. They run anti-hunting and
anti-trapping campaigns and are of the same cloth as PETA and other
extremist organizations. I can only guess that I was to receive this
award due to my support of the Wildlife Without Borders program, which
develops wildlife management and conservation efforts to maintain
global species diversity. That program is true conservation; what this
group wants is preservation. To accept this award would be supporting
their manipulative ways and misguided agenda, and I want no part of

Alaskan Congressman Don Young

[Posted in FML 7019]