Actually "disinformation" is the more accurate term, because
misinformation simply means one is misinformed. Disinformation is
the purposeful, strategically planned distribution of false and/or
misleading information.

Alicia Drakiotes writes:
>While in the late 90's great strides were taken to promote the
>companion ferret via HSUS ... that acceptance of the ferret as a
>companion animal was short lived.

This is far from true. In fact, you can see a beautiful photo of a
ferret on the front cover of the Fall-Winter 2008 issue of Animal
Sheltering magazine (an HSUS publication). HSUS has also had tip sheets
on caring for ferrets (both for consumers and for animal shelter
operators) since 1999.
>In fact, folks who were involved in the ferret embrace at HSUS were
>demoted, removed from office.

There was (and is) no HSUS "conspiracy" against ferrets or ferret
supporters. That's just silly. There is a belief among many in HSUS
that exotic animals should not be kept as pets, and there are still
some people out there who can't distinguish between a ferret and a
crocodile. Unfortunately, shelter operators (and police, ACOs,
firefighters, wildlife rehabbers, etc.) are all too familiar with what
happens when somebody brings a sugar glider or baby raccoon home and
then decides it's too much trouble to feed and house properly. Oh
yeah- the same thing happens to ferrets!

>It was a short lived dream as the movement was in place to move HSUS
>into a PETA based organization. IN fact, I believe you will find that
>in the recent past they have merged.

Huh?????!! That's just funny.

Seems like an editorial published on the American Shih Tzu website has
gotten pretty wide dissemination. It is a harsh and severely biased
look at various animal welfare, advocacy and animal rights groups. Most
of the information is unsubstantiated, biased, misleading and just
plain wrong. If you scroll to the bottom of the editorial, you'll find
a list of suggested charities where people should send their money.
This list includes hunting and purebred dog owners' lobbying groups.
That shouldn't come as a surprise ...

And here you will find the complete interview with Wayne Pacelle, for
those who really care to discover one source of so much DISinformation
and quotes taken out of context:

Here is some factual and unbiased information about HSUS's funding,
programs and administrative costs, etc.:

The same information is available for PETA:

>There is a GREAT and GRAVE difference in animal WELFARE ADVOCACY AND

Ummm ... not really. There IS a huge gap between how people and
organizations define these terms. For some, simply demanding adequate
food, water, shelter, exercise and protection from unnecessary pain and
extreme temperatures constitutes "animal rights extremism." An activist
is simply a person who publicly stands up for his/her beliefs.

This sort of debate even occurs within animal organizations. Does HSUS
promote the same policies as the ASPCA, and do they approve of and
support the sensationalist media techniques of PETA? Heck no. Not
even close.

In the macro view, does your company CEO speak for you, or for all
employees? Do you always agree with what he/she says? Of course not!

A few other observations:

1. People can always find justification for whatever they want to
2. A lot of people never let facts get in the way of a good argument.
3. Sound bites are easy, the deep stuff isn't.
4. You can't fight illogic with logic.

Happy reading, over and out-

Susann Thiel

[Posted in FML 7023]