Hello ferret friends,

It's time for the Easter SOS Card Exchange. I for one am looking
forward to it, I love getting cards from my ferret friends

What? You don't know what the card exchange is? It's about as much
fun as you can find in a mailbox. This is what you do. Email me at
[log in to unmask]
and sign-up. Then in about a week after deadline, I will send you a
list of 6-12 names (it depends on how many sign up). Then you send an
Easter card to each person on the list, and they will send a card to
you too. My name will be on the list too, and if you would like you
can slip a dollar or two in my card. At the end of the exchange I will
put all the money together and send it all to Support Our Shelters,
where it goes to help shelter ferrets in need.

Deadline to signup is April 10, 2011.

Happy Easter
Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 7023]