May 21st is the date for our annual family day fundraiser. The
festivities begin at 12 noon. We will have food, games, raffles,dj,
music, fellowship, and a live auction to begin approx. 3:30. Raffles
are set to be drawn at 1:30 and 2:30.

Check the website main page, under home tab, for the links to our Live
Auction-non ferret items, Live auction ferret items, and both raffle
listings. In those areas we have pictures posted and descriptions of
each item.

If you are not able to attend the event, and still want to help us
raise funds for the kids at the shelter, you can. Follow instructions

Raffles.......Tickets are $1 each......paypal money to
[log in to unmask] with info. (name, raffle hour, item #, item
description, addy incase you win, email addy)....I will email you
with verification that I have received your money and information.

Live me at [log in to unmask] with info. (name,
auction #, auction description, and your MAXIMUM amount you want to bid
for the item) I will be your proxy bidder for the items you choose and
will notify you after the event, if you bid was high enough to win the
item. I will let you know how much the item went for and will ship when
money is received for the items. You are responsible for shipping
charges also.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
(Dee Bickling....
[log in to unmask]
or Claudia Johnson.....
[log in to unmask] )

Thanks in advance for helping us raise funds for all the furr kids
inthe shelter. They need your help!!!!!!!

for more information.=

[Posted in FML 7045]