As I was reading Maren's comment that she would not leave her babies I
remembered a funny story from several years ago. I had six ferrets at
the time and it was the middle of the day so they were all dozing in
different hidden spots when a bad storm came up. I sent my son to the
basement and my husband went with him. He "ordered" me to go to which
he knows I don't accept orders so after laughing at his silliness I
went ferret hunting. I was running out of time as the wind got worse
and my son kept yelling he loved me but finally I got the sixth ferret
rounded up and was ready to head downstairs. There was an awful crash
and everything grew silent. My husband ran back upstairs and grabbed me
by the waist of my pants and started pulling me downstairs. I told him
to calm down it was over. The huge oak tree had been blown down on the
front part of the house but I was back in the bedroom. All were safe
including me except for the mother of all wedgies Don gave me in trying
to drag me to safety. We looked out and it had been a mini burst with a
row of trees behind the house gone and our big oak gone.


[Posted in FML 7042]