Okay, even though I've had to close down the shelter I used to run with
my now-deceased husband (The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, Inc.)

I still like to stay in touch with what's going on in the ferrety world
and try to still help others when I can. For this alone i am grateful
for the website of Support Our Shelters just for having other shelters
that can BE helped! Lately, however, I had a (to me) weird little

I had earned (by way of one of those paid-surveys thingamaroonies) a
5 dollar "virtual"Visa Debit card and try as I might, no one's PayPal
would recognize it. Man! What to do!? I had virtual cash to give and
no way to donate it...it seemed! Then I found the Support Our Shelters'
Blizzard Memorial Fund with a different method of payment that was
*not* Paypal! Would they take this five bucks? YES! They DOOD it!

My husband's ghost is doing a little "Happy-Dance" with all the ferrets
he went to join up with! Me, too! I've got the reciept in my hot little
hands! Alright it might not be much but it had taken me four days to
find SOME way to give this little bit of cash to a good ferrety cause!
Dear SOS;

Keep something like this Blizzard Memorial Fund going on so I can
donate again the next time I get one of those otherwise-useless virtual
debit cards!

Okay? And thanks for "being there"!

Your friend,
Susie Lee in Pensacola

[Posted in FML 7041]