Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions on how to remove carpet
stains and smells. Everyone has a different method. I thought it was
interesting that Kathy said it's not the smell that makes them go there
again, it's that they remember the spot. I assumed it was the smell
because when I've seen them do it, they seem to smell around first and
then go. So I figured if they smell it, they think it's an ok place to

I should add that they don't do it all the time or even everyday. But
one day it happened 3 times. Both ferrets have been caught in the act.
If they are just beginning to get into position and I tell them "Go on
the paper," they usually do, especially Klondike, who thinks every
time he uses the kitchen paper he will get a treat LOL!

Minky & Klondike
Still missing Rocky terribly after 2 years.

[Posted in FML 7041]